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W koszyku
1. Energy efficiency for the sustainble development of the European economy Piotr F. Borowski 2. The chances and threats for development of ecological agriculture in Poland Mateusz Ćwikła, Anna Parka 3. Energy and material flow management (MFM) in agriculture Osman Yaldiz, Berk Kucukkara, Can Ertekin 4. Role of wind energy in agriculture Grażyna Paulina Wójcik 5. Modeling of complex highway automated control system as a tool for reducing the fuel consumption and emission in heavy-duty trucks Myroslav Oliskevytch 6. Selective assessment of environmental side of side traffic in Lvov Jevgen Fornalchyk, Roman Kachmar 7. Energy assessment of driving force generation on selected turf grassland Wlodzimierz Białczyk, anna Cudzik, Jarosław Czarnecki, Marek Brennensthul, Katarzyna Jamroży 8. Utilization of PID controller to steering of solar segment operation Paweł Obstawski 9. Using of LED lighting technologies to substitute traditional lighting systems in greenhouses Nuri Cagayan, Can Ertekin 10. The influence of material homogeneity on the process of fluidized-bed drying of short rotation coppice popular Szymon Głowacki, Mariusz Sojak.
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Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 125229 LE (1 egz.)
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