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Evolution of the game tactics 1.1.General aspects of football tactics 1.2.Evolution of the football tactics 1.2.1.The naive football stage 1.2.2.The romantic football stage 1.2.3.The rational football stage 1.2.4.The total (universal) football stage Control of competitive activity in football 2.1.Control and analysis of technical and tactical actions of players and a team 2.1.1. The integral estimation ofplayers' TTA 2.2.Movement control of football players 2.3.Control and analysis of football team attacks 2.4.Expert evaluation of competitive activities of players and teams in football Outcome analysis of the study of competitive activity of highly qualified players 3.1.Model values of integral estimation of technical and tactical activity of highly ąualified players performing different playing roles 3.2.Indicators of technical and tactical activity of highly ąualified players at the European Championship 2016 3.3.Tactical aspects of highly qualified footballers' play 3.4.Control and analysis of the goalkeepers competitive acthdty in football Tactical models of competitive activity in football 4.1.The main aspects of the teams tactical training for the competition 4.2.Characteristics of tactical models of highly ąualified football teams Tactical models of teams' competitive acthdties at the 2018 World Cup 5.1.Qualitative indicators of penetrative attacks by national football teams 5.2.Features of gaining the bali possession in different zones of the football field 5.3.Characteristics ofgoalsat the 2018 World Cup 5.4.Individual indicators of technical and tactical activity of highly ąualified players
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Bibliografia na stronach 123-127.
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