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Ecological and astronomical aspects of light pollution / edited by Tomasz Ściężor. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo PK, 2021. - 180 stron : fotografie, ilustracje, mapy, wykresy ; 24 cm.
1.Light pollution and nocturnal mammals - Case study: the Influence of artificial light on insectivorous bats (B.W. Wołoszyn) 1.1.Background information about bats 1.2.The bats of Poland 1.3.Bat hibernation 1.4.ALAN and the hibernation period 1.5.Bats and artificial light during the summer quarter 1.6.Churches as a refuge for bats 1.7.Ambivalence regarding the influence of artificial light on insectivorous bats 2.Night shift work desynchronises circadian rhythm via epigenetic mechanisms (K. Skwarło-Sońta, K. Zużewicz) 2.1.The endogenous clock system in humans 2.2.Linking lighting conditions with circadian organisation - the role of the pineal gland 2.3.Light pollution: definition, sources, effects 2.4.Night shift work and its influence on the circadian system 2.5.The involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the adverse effects of ALAN 2.5.1.A brief introduction to epigenetics 2.5.2.Epigenetic modifications in the context of ALAN-evoked circadian desynchrony 3.The effect of light pollution on plants. A preliminary methodological study on small-leaved lime (M. Dani, K. Barath, P. Molnar, F. Siska, K. Turbucz, A. Skribanek) 3.1.Materials and methods 3.2.Results and discussion 4.Artificial lighting and light pollution from the plant's point of view (A. Kołton, M. Czaja, O. Długosz-Grochowska) 4.1.The sensing of light by plants 4.2.Artificial lighting in horticulture and plant production 4.3.Plants and light pollution 4.4.Spring and autumn phenophases 4.5.Physiological changes 4.6.Flowering and pollinators 5.Comparison of two measurement methods - photometric and photographic - in studies of night-sky brightness (D. Karpińska, M. Kunz) 5.1.Light pollution 5.2.Measurement network 5.2.1.Study area 5.2.2.Assumptions and conditions of the measurements 5.2.3.Measurement methods 5.3.Analysis and comparison of the results 6.Laboratory for dark sky quality measurements (Z. Kollath, D. Szaz, J. Vanyó, K.P. Tong) 6.1.Calibration of the cameras 6.2."Real-colour" images of the night sky 6.3.The workflow of field measurements 7.Light pollution at the Botanical Garden of Jagiellonian University - preliminary analysis (T. Ściężor) 7.1.History of the Botanical Garden 7.2.Apparatus 7.3.Measuring point 7.3.1.Location and description of the measuring point 7.3.2.Light pollution around the measuring point 7.4.Analysis of seasonal changes of selected meteorological elements at the BOT measuring point in 2019 7.5.Measurements of the brightness of the night sky 7.5.1.Night brightness statistics in 2019 nights nights and moonless nights 7.5.2.The dependence of the brightness of the night sky on the values of selected meteorological elements dependence of the brightness of the night sky on air temperature dependence of the brightness of the night sky on the relative humidity of the air dependence of the brightness of the night sky on the level of cloud cover of the night sky brightness on horizontal visibility 8.Lighting systems in residential developments in the city of Wrocław. The latest lighting and light pollution issues on an urban scale (A. Łopuszyńska, D. Gronkiewicz) 8.1.Methodology and scope of the research 8.2.A look at the balanced illumination in residential areas 8.3.Lighting quality criteria: light pollution and housing development 8.4.Day immitation: current awareness and importance to residential function 8.5.Lights-out time 8.6.Visual comfort 8.7.Light smog and environmental impact 9.Protecting the night sky in historical cities (A. Czaplicka, B. Siedlecki) 9.1.Legal regulations 9.2.Phenomena associated with light pollution 9.3.The impact of light pollution on animate nature and humans 9.4.Examples of correct and incorrect illumination of historical cities 9.5.Toronto city centre 9.6.Contemporary technologies and environmental protection 9.7."Ground Zero", New York 10.Possibilities regarding the implementation of night-time artificial light in environmental planning processes (M. Zschorn) 10.1. Possibilities of environmental instruments to influence light pollution 11.The Importance of the Biikk and Hortobagy Dark-Sky Parks and their educational benefits (A. Apró, I. Gyarmathy, R. Novak) 11.1.Hortobagy National Park 11.2.Hortobagy as a dark-sky park, public access and outreach 11.2.1. Lighting regulations in Hortobagy Dark-Sky Park 11.3.Bukk National Park 11.3.1.Public access and outreach 11.3.2.Lighting fixture replacements 11.4.Awareness of light pollution in educational institutions 12.Are dark-sky parks recognisable in society? The example of Izera Dark-Sky Park (G. Iwanicki) 12.1.Materialsand methods 12.2.I DSP popularisation activities 12.3.Interviews 13.The tenth anniversary of the Izera Dark-Sky Park (S. Kołomański, E. Niemczura, J. Molenda-Żakowicz) 13.1.Izera Dark-Sky Park - basic facts 13.2.Astronomical attractions 13.2.1.Sundial 13.2.2.Gnomon 13.2.3.Planetary trail 13.3.Activities 13.3.1.School Workshops on Astronomy 13.3.2.Izera Long Exposures 13.3.3. Astronomical events for the public
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Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 150712 N (1 egz.)
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Bibliografia, netografia na stronach 155-175.
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Streszczenia w języku niemieckim, polskim i rosyjskim.
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