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(Prace i Studia / Instytut Podstaw Inżynierii Środowiska Polskiej Akademii Nauk = Works & Studies / Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences, ISSN 0208-4112 ; no 93)
2. The idea of circular land use management – Anna Starzewska-Sikorska 2.2. The principle of reuse and phases of land use 2.3. Potential of circular land use management 2.4. CIRCUSE project 3. Integration of land use management with sustainable environmental management in relation to land as a resource – Anna Starzewska-Sikorska 3.2. Action plans 3.3. Pilot actions 3.4. The project effects 4. Remediation technologies for environmental management to improve the safety and comfort of living in urban areas – an example of application in Ruda Śląska – Marta Pogrzeba, Alicja Szada-Borzyszkowska 4.2. Site description 4.2.1. Physico-chemical characteristics of top layer of the brownfield 4.2.2. Plant cover of the brownfield 4.3. Aided phytostablisation 4.4. Soil amendments for diminishing metals bioavailability 4.5. Plant species used for aided phytostabilisation of soil contaminated with heavy metals 4.6. Experiment design 4.7.1. Initial soil characteristics 4.7.2. Changes in physico-chemical parameters 4.7.3. Concentration of heavy metals in plant tissues 5. Application of robust estimators of dispersion and local indicators of spatial associations in assessment of soil contamination – Joachim Bronder 5.2.1. Classical approach 5.2.2. Robust estimator of location 5.2.3. Robust estimators of dispersion 5.2.4. Confidence intervals of estimators of location 5.2.5. Normalisation through regionalisation 5.3. The workout case studies 5.3.1. Site No. 1 – Former military airbase in Szprotawa 5.3.2. Site No. 2 – Łęgnowo-Wieś settlement, city district of Bydgoszcz 6. Urban environmental acupuncture for improving access to green spaces in cities – example from an urban region in Central Europe – Marta Fudała 6.2. Action Plan for FUA 6.3. GIS analysis 6.4. Chorzów Case Study 7. Reduction of forest and agriculture land on urban areas basing on the analysis of statistical and spatial data – Magdalena Głogowska 7.2. The role of green spaces in the city in adapting to climate change 7.3. Introduction and scope of work 7.4. The results of the analyzes 7.4.1. Statistical analyzes of SP data 7.4.2. Selection of three cities with the greatest decline in agricultural and forest area 7.4.3. GIS analysis Calculation of land cover change according to Urban Atlas 2006 and 2012 (7-year time period) Calculation of the NDVI index (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) 7.4.4. Identification of data gaps 8. Health risk assessment in contaminated site management – Eleonora Wcisło 8.2. Polish perspective 8.2.1. Legal background 8.2.2. The proposed risk-based approach to contaminated sites Site-specific human health risk assesment Development of RBRLs and RBSSLs 8.2.3. Significant health risk assessment 9. Application of air pollutant emission and air quality forecasts for better air quality management and improvement of living conditions of the inhabitants at a local level – Janina Fudała 9.2. Air quality forecasting system 9.3. The use of emission forecasts and air quality forecasts for air quality management 10. Spatial aspects of waste management in inhabited areas of Poland – Marek Matejczyk 10.2. Legal conditions for collecting solid waste in inhabited areas 10.3. Implementation of the obligation to collect waste by property owners 10.4. Demography and housing statistics 10.5. Estimation of the space occupied by waste collection sites in inhabited areas 10.6. Solutions reducing the use of space and expenses 11. Comprehensive inventory of the post-industrial area in terms of restoring the site functions and re-use of waste. Case study of industrial heap of unknown origin – Mariusz Kalisz, Oktawian Pastucha 11.2. Materials and methods 11.3. Site characterisation 11.4. Historical analysis – Age determination and genesis of the heap 11.6.1. Physical properties of the waste 11.6.2. Basic physico-chemical analyses 11.6.3. Contaminant content assessment and evaluation of geochemical parameters 11.6.4. Waste and subsoil contamination assessment in individual samples 11.6.5. Overall assessment of the heap contamination 11.6.6. Thermal activity assessment 11.6.7. Calculations of the volume and weight of the heap 11.6.8. Characteristics of the stored mineral waste according to waste classification
Status dostępności:
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 151887 N (1 egz.)
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Uwaga dotycząca finansowania
Współfinansowanie: Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej (Katowice)
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