Bibliografia przy pracach. Indeks.
Jebńćek I.' Mateju J.z Aerobatic special in-flight tests at institute of aerospace engineering Juraćka J.: Specifics of aerostructures expefuimental testing Peszynski K., Olszewski L., Smyk E., Kasprowicz T.: dewelopment of new type ventilation ducts system Pońeś P., Kućera P.' Piśtók V.' Fojtńśek J.,Zhńńa|L.: Modern tools for vehicle d evelopment Śafaiik P.z SHoCK Waves in an ideal gas and entrpy analys papers Adamczak S., Zmarzły P. Kozior T.o Gogolewski D.: Analysis of the dimensional accuracy of casting models Manufactured by fused deposition modeling technology Adamczak S.,Zmarzły P., Kozior T., Gogolewski D.: Assessment of roundness and waitiness deviations of elements produced by selective laser sintefulng technology Aizikovich S., VasilievA., Volkov S., Mitrin B.z Mathematical modeling of micro indentation of a transversely isotropic half-space with functionally graded coating by a conical lndenter Aleksandrowicz P. Analysis of vehicle colusions with the sdc method AleksandrowiczP.: Verif0ing the application of the models of crash and collision detection of incompatible vehicles Anweiler S.: Videogrammetry in fluidized beds analysis Appel M., Grepl R.: Parameter estimation for engineers: a new tool for effectivie search for simulink model parameters Augustin T., Fillo L.; Influence qf ground stress distribution on punchtng Resistance Aydin E., Óztiirk B., Dutkiewicz M.: opttmal passive control of shear buildings Balaź I' Kolekovó Y.z Plastic resistance of aluminum i-profile under bending and torsion accokding to continuous strength method Bang N. V., RozehnalD.z Aerodynamic hystefuesis of oscillating airfoil Baranovskii E. S., Artemov M. A.: Steady flows of second-grade fluids subject to stick-sup boundary conditions Baranowski L., Kaczmarek W., Panasiuk J., Prusaczyk P., Besseghieur K.: Integration of vision system and robotic arm under ros Baranowski L., Panasiuk J., Siwek M.: Use of a raspberry pi to built a prototype wreless control system of a mobile robot Bayer J.: A concept for testing and monitomng of building structukes - theoretical case Study Bęczkowski R., Cebulski J., Pasek D.o Gucwa M.: Producing a layerof iron wder conditions of intense heat reception Bednar L., Tajć L., Miczón M.; Mrózek L., Hoznedl M. Possibility of damping pkessure pulsations in balancing control valves Beneśovskf M., Nńvrat T., Petruśka J.: Verification of fast algorithm for cross-roll straightening Besseghieur K., Kaczmarek W., Panasiuk J. Prusaczyk Formation control of mobile robots under ros Bienioszek G., Kciuk S.: Determination of boundary conditions for the optimization process of blast mitigation seat shock absorbers Blasiak M.; Blasiak S.: Application of fractional calculus in harmonic oscilator Blasiak M., Blasiak S.z The application of integral transforms to solving partial differential equations of the fractional order Blasiak S. Heat transfer in non-contacting face seals using fractional fourier law Blasiak S. Heat transfer model forthe waw-tilt-dam mechanical seals using green's fiction method Blatnicka M., Blatnicky M., Saga M., Kubiak M.: ,Stress analysis of part of the welded structure Blatnicki M., Diżo J.' Blatnickó M., Svoboda M.: Design of a robot manipulator working screw revolutions Bochat A., Zastempowski M.: Kinematics and dynamics of the movement of the selected constructions of the disc cutting assemblies Bochnia J.: Mechanical properties of materials obtained by 3d-printing technology Bochnia J. Relaxation of matemals obtained using polyjet technology Bojarczak P., Nowakowski W., Łukasik Z. Visual diagnostics of rail fastening system as a method to improve safety Bojczuk D., Szteleblak W.: Optimal repair and reinforcement of bar structures using finite topology variations Borńk L., Marcian P.: Inhomogeneous material properties assignment to finite element models of bone: a sensitiivity study Borkowski K., Janecki D., Zwierzchowski J.: Accuracy of the visual measurement system of bent pipes Borowski S., Rama R., Knopik L., Kaszkowiak J.: Assessment of the volume of crop by the windrow's measurement Borsuk G., Wydrych J., Pochwala S.: Comparing turbulence models for gas-particle mixture pneumatic conveying Bośanski M., Patzók B. on parellelization of linear system equation solver in finite element software Brabec P., Reichrt K.: Modification of the intake manifold of a combustion engine Brezina L., Losak P. Model of car suspension with parametric uncertainty Brózda K.' Major M., Selejdak J. Computational analysis of serviceability limit state of beams reinforced with frp bars Bucci V., Marino A.o Mauro F., Sandron C.,Matttazzo G.: Redesign of a wave energy converter in ferrocement Cabovń K., Liśkovń N., Novotnń-P.,"Benf'śek M., Zeman F., Wald F.: Modelling of standard fire test Cebulski J., Bęczkowski R., Pasek D.: The use of welding for forming feal coating on s235 Ćećrale J., Raśka J.: Aircraft wing flutter assessment considering damage tolerance-based failure states Cekus D., Skrobek D.: The influence of the length of trajectory of scara manipulator duty cycle on electricity consumption Ćernf M., Dzurilla M., Musil M. Electromagnetic energy harvester with mechanical amplifier for translational kinetic Ćerv J., Valeś F., Adómek Y. A short wave limit of the frequency equation for plane - stress nonax sy mmetric disc motion Chatys R., Miśków G., Miśków J. Structural modelling of the strength properties of polymer composites structural modelling of the strength properties of polymer composites Chatys R., Piernik K.: Numerical analysis of polymer composite bend tests made by vacuum bagging Cienciala J., Frydrfśek K., Podeśva J.: Nonlinear vibration - Stochastic approach - Ćwiklak J., Krasuski K., Jafernik H.: Designation the velocity of cessna aircraft based on gps data in flight Test Dabrowski A., Balcerzak M., Pikunov D.: Applications of the new method of the lyapwov exponents estimation Dindorf R. Wos P., Pawelec K.: Study of the possibility of use of bioelectkic signals to wireless remote control of the electro-pneumatic positioning systems Doćkal K., Śperka P., Kiupka I., Hartl M.: Fluid flew measurements of 5p4e by particle tracking velocimetry Drahoródovń L., Moravec J., Andrlik Y Testing the poitioning accuracy and regulatity of the motion threaded mechanism feed drive Duda S., Gembalczyk G., Jureczko P. The effect of body weight unloading on kinematic gait parameters during treadmill walking Dudek D, Kazala R., Straczynski P.: Jitter analysis of mqtt protocol frames in mobile robot control system Dvoirikovri E., Patzatk B.: Computational performance of a dsg-based isogeometkic beam element Dzierżek K., Rećko M., Pietrala D.S.: Quick prototyping of manipulator control system with plc controller Dziopa Z., Nyckowski M.: The dynamics of the guide arrangement being an element of the launcher installed on a combat vehicle Elińś J.' Le J. -L.: Mitigation of mesh dependency in probabilistic finite element stimulation of quasi brtttle fracture Fiedler J., Koudelka T.: Calculation of shell structures by using layered model Fischer C.' Naprstek J.: Lyapunov exponents - practical computation Frydrfśek K., Dróbkovó S., Plaśek M.: Biomechanics - airflow in the nasal ca'i/ity and the nasal septum perforation Frydrfśek K. Dvoiók L.: Biomechanics - testing of mechanical and utiliiy properties of bottles for kedon drainage Gajdosova K., Sonnenschein R.: Endurance limit of fkp composites use d for re inforce ment of conckete structure Gapiński D., Szmidt P. The control process of a scanning and tracking ir seeker using inverse dynamics Gidlewski M., Jemioł L., Żardecki D.: ,Sensitivity investigations of the lane change automated process Gierz Ł.: validation of the fem-based stress analys of an innovative load-beaking structure of air-assisted seed drills with electronic seeding control Gilewski W., Obara P. Exact 3-noded timoshenko beam finite element when enhanced strain field - a magic role of gauss points Gilewski W., Pełczyńskl J.: The influence of orthotropy level for perpendicular to grain stkesses in glulam double tapered beams Goethel F. M., Mrozowski J., Awrejcewicz J.: Coordinative patterns and gait stability accessed by nonlinear dynamics approach: a preliminary study Gołębiowska I., Dutkiewicz M.: Experimental analysis of efficiency of mass dampers Gołębiowska I. Dutkiewicz M., Usewicz B.: Mechanical dampers on overhead power lines Grzyb M.' Stefański Tufubulence impact on the control of guided bomb unit Had J.: Implementation of interacting creep and fatigue under thermo-mechanical loading Hajek P., Śvancara P., Horóćek J., Śvec G. J.: Effects of turbulence in fe model of human vocal folds self-oscillation Havelka J., Sykora J., Kućerovń A.: Calderon's inverse problem in civil engineering Hejnova M.: Principle of the rolling contact fatigue formation Holly, Sonnenschein R.: GFRP reinforcement in concrete - factors affecting bond properties Horóćek J., Radolf V., Bula V., Kośina J.: Experimental modelling of phonation using artificial models of human vocal folds and vocal tracts Hubova O., Konecna L.: Wind flow around high-fuise buildings and its influence on the pedestkian comfort Hynek P., Vampola T.: Examination of the basic geometrical parameters of the lowr respiratory tract of the human and its simplified cowutational model Ivankova O., Meri D., VojtekovaE.: Design and optimization of supporting structuke of a multipurpose high-kise building with respect to the wind load lvankova O., Valasik A., Konecna L.z A high-fuise building - influence of change of soil stiffness on hokizontal and vertical deflections Janićek P.: Systems conception of problem-solving Janićek P., Fuis Y.: Modelling - A tool for problem-solving Janouchovń E., Kućerovó A., Sikora J.: Role of random factors in nonlinear regmssion: a case study for estimation of thermophysical parameters Jarzyna T. Determination of fuigidity and damping parameters of hydrodynamic bearings Jegla Z., Reppich M. Verification of a new thermal calculationmethod by industrial radiant chawer measurements Jirósko J., Max A., Bezdekova J.: Static numemcal analysis of a hydraulic cumng prss Jureczko M. Jureczko P.: Analysis of relationship between postural stability and degkee of visual impairment Kadtićek T., Janda T., Śejnoha M; The calibration program for the hypoplastic sand model Karol M., Chlupovf A.,Mazńnovń V., Kruml T.: Fatigue crack initiation and growh in 316l steel in torsional cyclic loading Kaszkowiak J., Markiewicz-Patalon M. Borowski S., Dorszewski P,: Impact of supercharging on the noise level in biogas englnes Katrańk T. Design of new parameters for evaluation of load capacity of semi-shell structures Kawlewska E., Zarwańska M., Larysz D., Wolański W., Gzik M.: Preoperative planning of correction of cranial deformations using distractors Kebli B., Baka Z.: Axisymmetmc deformation of an elastic medium weakened by an annular crack Keckstein T., Bezdćkovń J., Votópek P.: Static checking computatin of a lathe tailstock Kilinc O., Vagner J.: Wayside diagnosis of metro wheelsets using acoustic sensor data and one-period analysis Klećkovń J., Hamza J.: Numefuical simulation of steam flew around vibrating turbine blades Kłosowiak R., Bartoszewicz J., Urbaniak R. Energy transformation in turbulent flow inside reversig chamber Knopik L., Migawa K. Peszyński K., Wawrzyniak S.: Some remarks on preventive replacement model Kolman R. Cho S. S., Gonzalez J. G., Park K. C. Berezovski A.: An explicit time scheme with local time stepping for one-dimensional wave propagation in a bimaterial bar Konopelska A. Jureczko M.: Evaluation of knee joint stiffnessin children with cerebral palsy Korinek T.' Petrikova M.: An investigation of mass transfer in a vortexshedding past square cylinder Koruba Z., Krzysztofik I.: Control wth the use of lqr modified method in the gyroscope system of target tracking Kostek R., Aleksandrowicz P.: Effect of contact parameters on the pattern of vehicle collisions with a round pillar Kostek R., Aleksandrowicz P,: Identification of the parameterst of vehicle contact with a rigid bakmer from a crash TE57Kośtial R. Janhuba L., Hlinka J.: Intelligent scheduled maintenance methodology for general aviation structures based on msg-3 and multiple- ckitezua decision making analtys Koudelka T.' Krejći T., Kruis J.: Numerical modelling of expansive clays Koukal M. Analysis of the manufacture perturbations of the total hip replacement Kovńi J.: The influence of contact regin on probability of ceramics fracture Królik J.: Probability nonlinear analysis of the failure of the npp hermetic steel door due to accidental extreme overpressure Krejsa J., Sykora M.: Probabilistic estimation of a bridge fatigue life in accordance to fib model code 2010 Krejsa J., Vechet S. The evaluation of hokuyo urg-l4lx-ugli laserrange finder data Krivńćek J., Sadovsky Z.: on the choice of geometrical imperfections in gmnia strength calculation s of thin-walle d structure Krzysztofik I., Koruba Z.: Application of the sliding controller for the gyroscope system of the anti-aircraft M1551L8 Kśica F., Vetiśka J., Hadaś Z.: Methodology for predicting dynamic behaviour of machine tools based on a virtual model
Kubik M., Machńćek O., Strecker Z. Roupec J., Mazrirekl.: Dynamic viscosity of commercially ai/ai lab le magnetorheological fluids Kubik P., Petruśka J., Hulka J., Śebek F. Simulation of the small punch test of aisi 316l austenitic steel Kućera P., Piśtók Y. Shaft vibration of the truck Kucikovó L., Vorel J., Sykora J., Śejnoha M.: Effective heat and misture transport properties of spruce Kukielka K., Kukielka L.: Thermomechanical modelig and analyils of the thread rolling process with electrocontact heating Kulesza Z., Trochimczuk R.: Dwamics of multibody surgical robotic single incision laparoscoprc surgery tool Kulhavy P., Syrovńtkovó M., Petrli M.: Alternative possibilities of biaxial testing of fiber and fabric materials in nonstandard conditions Kumpan P.; Segmentatin of human motion acceleration with probabilistic classifier Kupireddi K. K., Sai Sudheer S. V., Balasubramanian K.: Effect of loop diameter on two-phase natural circulatation loop perfromance Kurzawa A., Bocian M., Jamroziak K., Pyka D.: Analysis of ceramic-metallic composites of ballistic resistance on shots by 5.56 mm ammunition Kyncl M, Pelant J.: Atmospheric gas flow around and inside high, halls supported with the simulation of the fans Menshykov O., Menshykova M., Guz I. A. Thick-walled composite pipes under bending Migawa K, Knopik L., Neubauer A., Perczyński D.: Simulation of the model of technical object availability control Migawa K., Knopik L., Sołtysiak A., Kolber P.: The method of riskassessment in transport systems Mikeś K., Jirósek M.: on efficiency of quasicontinuum simulationof crack propagation in elastic-bkittle disordered lattices Mochar D., Gabriel D., Masńk J. Kopaćka J. Kolman R.n Pleśek J. Hynek P. VtipiI J.: Explicit dynamic finite element analysis of a firing pin assembly Moravkova Z., Tomećkova I., Frydryśek K.: Beam rested on unilateral elastic foundation - (theory, experiments and finite element approach) Mrozik Ł. Shaping the structure of low water-binder ratio element pastes Muraszkowski A., Szrek J.: The concept of mobile system of analys and visualization of human gait parameters Murin J., Goga V., Kutiś V., Hrabovsky J., Sedlar T., Paulech J. Modelling and measurement of non-uniform elastostatic torsion of hollow cross-section beams Musil M., Sivy M.: Parametric instability of the plane free surface of the liquid in cylindrical storage tanks Myśakova E., Lepś M.: Shifting of lhs design for surrogate modeling Nagireddy P. D. Rao Srinivasa Ch. Experimental studies on fe3o4 nanofluid flowing though a circular tube Naprstek J., Fischer C.: Non-holonomic planar and spatial model of a ball-type tuned mass damping device Nemec M., Jelinek T., Klima J Testing of full stage mixed' flow turbine for automotitve applications Nemec Z., Nevrl;i J.: Modeling of road roller drive equipped with hydrostatic recovery of kinetic energy Nemećek J., Kruis J., Koudelka T. Modeling of chlofuide migration in concrete Nocoń Ł., Koruba Z.: Modifications of control actuation systems of 4TGM Nowakowska K.' Michnik R.' Myśliwiec A., Chrzan M. Impactof strengthening of the erector spinae muscle on the values of loads of the muskuloskeletal systemin the lumbar spine section Nowakowski Ł. Miko E.o SkrzyniarzM.: Designation of the minimum thickness of machined layer for the milling process of duralumin PA6 Nowakowski Ł. Miko E.' Skrzyniarz M.: Milling with a tool with unevenly distkibuted cutting plates Nowakowski L., SkrzyniarzM., Miko E.: The analysis of relative oscillation during face milling Nowakowski L., Skrzyniarz M., Miko E.: The assessment of the impact of the installation of cutting plates in the bodyof the cutter on the size of generated vibrations and the geo metrical structure of the surface Osiński P., Stosiak M.: Shaping thestarting of a hydrostatic transmission with prop ortionally controlled elements Osowski P., Wolski M., Piatkowski T.: Veryfication of velocity mesurment methods by high speed camera and accelerometer on example of impact tegter Paczkowski T., Sawicki J.: Experimental studies of vibration of the technological device for electrochemical machining of curvilinear surfaces Pasek M., Bebarova M.' Christe G; A modified mathematical modelof human ventricular cardiomyocyte incorporating separate t-tubularand sukface dyads and submembrane spaces Patyk S.' Patyk R.' Kukiełka L.' Kałduński P.' Chojnacki J.: Numerical method for determining the main force of burnishing rolling of rough cylindrical surface with regular periodical outlines asperities Pavlenko M.: The formation of zones of the coal array volumetric impregnation as a result of the vibration impact Pejkowski Ł. Determination of the number of cycles for asynchronous periodic multiaxial loadings using energy based cumulative damage theory Perz K., Rewolińska A.: Impact of filter contamination on efficiency and effectiiveness of air filter Peszyński K., Perczyński D.' Smyk E., Kolber P.: Experimental verification of velocity distribution in different cross-sectional ventilation ducts Pichal R., Machacek J.: Experimental and numerical study of stayed steel columns.. Pietrala D. S., Laski P. A., Bracha G. F., Dzierżek K.: Application of wolfram mathematica package to control the 6.dof parallel robot Piwowarski D., Anweiler S., Ulbrich R., Tańczuk M. Unmanned aircraft vechicle design for temperature field analysis Planićka S., Vimmr J.: Numerical simulations of free surface flows usingc a three-equation model Pochwała S., Wydrych J., Borsuk G. The effect of velocity profile deformation of an averaging pitot tube the effect of velocity profile deformation of an averaging pitot tube Polach P., Hajżman M., Byńus M., Dyk Ś., Smolik L. Mathematical modelling of rotor systems with journal bearings in limit cases Prachai A., Hospodar P., Vrchota P.: Gust alleviation of nasa common research model using cfd Pravdova I., Eliaśova M.: Influnce of an intial imperfectionon the lateral and torsional buckling of a hybrid beam Profant T., Hrstka M., Klusak J., Kerśner Z.: on the energy release rate of the crack emanating from the inclusion intefphase Prokop A., Rehak K.: VIrtual prototype application to heaw-duty vehicle gearbox concept Pust L., Peśek L.: Running flutter waves in blades cascade Rehounek L., Jira A., Denk F. Mechanical behavor of a titanium alloy trabecular structure Reut O. Y.: The antiplane problem for a strip weakened by a crack Romańczyk M' Elsner W; Numefuical analysis for optimal localization of gas inlet in a venturi mixerRoupec J., Mazńrek I., Strecker Z., Kubik M., Machóćeko.: Tensile strength of pure iron samples manufactuked by selective laser melting method Runt D., Novotnf J., Pruśka J.: Special element for numerical modelling of the rock bolt reinforcement Sądej M., Gierz Ł.: Polyurethane composites with improved mechanical properties Sant Z., Mifsud L., Muscat C.: Simulation of daily life activities in biomechanics Sapietova A., Śulka P. Sapieta M., Domańsi T.: Verification of mechanism's functionality for postiioning the car seat using MSC,ADAMS Schmidt J.o Janda T. Śejnoha M., Valentin J.: experimental determination of t/isco-elasic properties of laminated glass inteklay'r Śebek F., Petruśka J., Kubik P.: Ductile fractuile ciliteuia implementationand calibration using the tension torsion tests Semkło Ł., Frąckowiak A.' Ciałkowski N. Location of leaks in the water supply network Śevećek O., Majer Z., Kotoul M.: Influence of ceramic foam parameters on the fracture behaviourupon the tensile test Shatskyi I., Makoviichuk M., Perepichka V., Dalyak T. Effect of cracksclosure in plates and shells wder combined tension and bending Shatskyi I. Popadyuk I., Velychkovych A.: Modelling of energy dissipation in shell dampers Siwulski T., Warzyńska U.: The advantages of a new hydraulic cylinder design with a control system Sławski S., Duda S., Machoczek T.: Thin walled pipe crushed in jaws Smyk E.' Mrozik D., Wawrzyniak S., Peszyński K.: Tubular air deflector in ventilation ducts Smyk E.' Wawrzyniak S. Perczyński D.' Kolber P.: Axisymmetric valvewith synthetic jet actuator Sobotka J.: Forced vibration analisis of prestressed I euler-bewoulli beam with discontinuities by means of distributions without using modal analysis Sokół K.: Instability of a stepped column loaded by the external follower force Sokol M., Lamperovó K., Venglńr M' Hórnandez Carrasco L.H.: optimum design of tuned liquidcoluw dawer for high-rise Building Sokol Z., Fila J.. Elińśova M. Load bearing test of wall from hollow glass blocks using vitralock installation system Sokolski M., Sokolski P.: Acoustic climate in the cabins as a factor of rebuilding effectiveness of long term operated bucket weel excavators - a case study Sokolski P.: On wear processes in pin joints in caterpillars of large-size work]ng machines Sosnowski M.: Computer aided optimization of a nozzle in a round-the - pump fire suppression foam proportioning system Stefański K., Chaes R., Stefańska A.: The use of gyroscopic executive system for homing of the missile on the aerial target Stopel M., Cichański A., Skibicki D.: Modeling of prestressed bolt connection in ls-dyna crash test analysis of road infractructure Śtorkón J., Vampola T., Horaćek J. Computationally efficient modelof the human vocal fold Straka P. Prihoda J. Modelling of flow in linear blade cascade with thicktrailing edge at a lower rewolds number Strecker Z., Strmiska T., Roupec J., Kubik M., Machńćek o.: Design of fast magnetorheological damper using soft magnetic composites Strzelecki P.: Retested runout specimens in fatigue research Śulc P., Peśek L., Bula V., Kośina J., Cibulka J.: Proposal of hyperelastic proportional damping as dissipated energy model of hard rubbers Śulc S., Śmilauer V., Wald F.: Coupled simulation for fire-exposed structure using cfd and thermo-me chanical mode LS Śulka P., Sapietovń A., DeĘiś V., Sapieta M: Analys of non-stationary vibration mode mechanical device Svojanovski T., Trtik L.: Stress Analysis of the total replacement of the trapeziometacakpal joint Sykora J. Kućerova A., Zeman J.: Construction of random field based on image analysis Szews M., Perczyński D., Knopik L., Wawrzyniak S.: Temperature analysis Szkoda K., Gałąska P.,Żak M., Pezowicz C. Biomechanical study of the cervical spine with disc implants: a finite element analysis Szmidt P. Gapiński D., Koruba Z.: The analysis of selection optimal parameters of pid controllers fora modifiedartillery-missile system Szrek J., BałchanowskiJ.: Modelling and simulaton researches of dynamics of translational parallel mechanism Takosoglu J.E.: Dynamic characteristics of pneumatic artificial muscles Tomaszewski T. Analysis of size effect for notched mini specimens made of stainless steel Topolinski T., Ligaj B., Mazurkiewicz A., Miterka S.: Evaluation of deformations of thick.layer glued joints applied in construction of rail vehicles Tńma J., Śurńnek P., Mahdal M. All-pass filters as a tool for converting a positive feedback to a negative Feed back when controlling weakly damped systems Ućeń o. Frydrfśek K.' Fojtik F., Bialy L., Pleva L.: Biomechanics - verification of force characteristics of a device for reduction of bone fragments in patients with finger fractukes Uhrićik M. Oravcovń M., Palćek P., Chalupovń M., Kucharikovń L.:Three-point bending fatigue damage mechanisms associated with the different structuke of al-mg cast alloys Uradnićek J., Kraus P., Musil M., Bachraty M.: Modeling of frictional stick slip effect leading to disc brake noise vibration and harshness Uzny S., Osadnik M.z Influence of longitudinal elastic support on stability of a partially tensioned colum Valentovó S., Vorel J., Śejnoha M.z Effective elastic and strength properties of unidirectional fibrous ceramic composites Valeś J., Kala Z; Weak axis buckling - elastic resistanceof a colum Vampola T.' Horńćek J.: Influence of the nasal cavities to human voice quality Vechet S., Krejsa J., Chen IIS. Expert system shell architecture based on decision network Vida R., Halvonik J.: Influence of compressive stress on shear force distribution, in bridge deck slabs Vitńgi F., KniźatB., Urban F., olśiak R., MlkYik M., Ridzoń F., Mlynór P.: Estimation of minor losses in a natural circulation helium loop Vlasńk P., Chara Z., Konfrśt J. Concentration distmbution and slip velocity of coarse-particle-water mixture in horizontal and inclined pipe sections Vlćek V., Zolotarev I. Kozńnek J., Śidlof P., Śtópa'' M: Some energy relations of the self-excited profile i/ibration in flowing fluid Vorel J., Kabele P.: Back analysis for determination of tension-softening diagram Votrubec R.z Platform stabilized by means of two gyroscopes and damped with magnetokheological damper"Vrchota P., Prachai A., Hospodńy P., Dolgopyat D., Seifert A'.: Siwlified oscillatory boundary condition for efficient cfdsimulation of afc effect Wirwicki M., Andryszczyk M., Andrzejewska A., Topoliński T.: Testingthe strength of the adhesive connection specimen - monotonic tensile and shear wtith under variable load Wodarski P., Michnik R., Gzik M., Jurkojc J., Bieniek A., Nowakowska K.: variants of upper limb motion index calculations in the assessment of upper limb motion dysfunction Wolski M., Piatkowski T., Osowski P. Rotary motion selected control methods analysis for paddle sorters arms Woś P., Dindorf R.: A semi-active pneumatic suspension of the working machine seat Woś P., Dindorf R.: Leak measuring system of compressed air in pipeline Wydrych J., Borsuk G., Pochwała S. Analysis of the erosive wear modeling re sults of the pneumatic conveying systems Zachar M., Guzej M., Horsky J. Numerical thermal cowafuison of heat sink materials for auto motive led headlamps Zachwieja J. Peszyński K.: Determination of the stress - strain state for industrial pipeline based on its vibration Zada V.: Application of hamiltionian mechanics in exponentially table control of robots Zajac P ., Kowalczyk L.z Comprehensive service of conference participants using automatic identification Zajac P., Kwasniowski S. Modelling forklift truck movement in the vdi cycle and the possibility of energy recovery Zajac P., Kwasniowski S. Reliability of automatic identification systems in logistics systems Żak.: Full width warp tension sensor Żak W, FilipiakJ. Płonek T.: A finite element stress analys to predict the kisk factors of aortic dissection - preliminary studies Zapomel J., Trerfecki P., Kozónek J.: Reduction of the energy losses by application of controllable squeeze frlm dampers Zastempowski M.: Dynamics of movement in scissor-finger cutting assembly Zeman V.' Hlavać Z.: Friction forces and fuetting wear in reactor core barrel couplings Zemanova l A.,Zeman J., Janda T., Śejnoha M: Free vibration analyss of laminated glass beams using dynamic effective thickness and other approaches Zhuravlova Z.,Kozachkov D., Pliusnov D., Radzivil V., Reut V., Shpynarov O., Tarasova E., Nerukh D., Vaysfeld N. Modelling of virus vibration with 3-d dynamic elasticity theory Ziolkowska J.: Polyurethane coatings and methods of examination of their properties Zvolsky T.: Mathematical model of engine valve mechanism Zwierzchowski J.: I Device for automatic robot tool center point(tcp) calibration adjustment forthe abb industrial robots.
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