Żak Jolanta (transport)
Źródło opisu
Książki, czasopisma i zbiory specjalne
Forma i typ
Publikacje naukowe
tylko na miejscu
Berłowski Paweł
Kotowski Włodzimierz
Praca zbiorowa
Skoczylas Zbigniew
Stiasny Grzegorz
Żak Jolanta (transport)
Sadlik Ryszard
Blum Maciej
Michalski Dariusz
Majewski Jerzy S
Lewandowski Maciej
Etzold Hans-Rüdiger
Leśniewski Mariusz
Gewert Marian
Maruchin Wojciech
Guryn Halina
Traczyk Wojciech
Chalastra Michał
Kardyś Marta
Nazwisko Imię
Marx Karl (1818-1883)
Berkieta Mateusz
Tomczak Małgorzata
Kotapski Roman
Polkowski Sławomir
Engels Friedrich (1820-1895)
Jakubiec Izabela
Rybicki Piotr
Krysicki Włodzimierz (1905-2001)
Teleguj Kazimierz
Kapołka Maciej
Mikołajewska Emilia
Zaborowska Joanna
Starosolski Włodzimierz (1933- )
Meryk Radosław
Piątek Grzegorz
Rudnicki Bogdan
Górczyński Robert
Polit Ryszard
Mroczek Wojciech
Kulawik Marta
Mycielski Krzysztof
Myszkorowski Jakub
Konopka Eduard
Jabłoński Marek
Walkiewicz Łukasz
Bielecki Jan (1942-2001)
Knosala Ryszard (1949- )
Rajca Piotr (1970- )
Rymarz Małgorzata
Walczak Krzysztof
Wiecheć Marek
Jabłoński Adam
Laszczak Mirosław
Piwko Łukasz
Wodziczko Piotr
Dziedzic Zbigniew
Sidor-Rządkowska Małgorzata
Żakowski Wojciech (1929-1993)
Lenin Włodzimierz (1870-1924)
Pasko Marian
Włodarski Lech (1916-1997)
Czakon Wojciech
Leyko Jerzy (1918-1995)
Paszkowska Małgorzata
Jankowski Mariusz
Kostecka Alicja
Wróblewski Piotr
Karpińska Marta
Próchnicki Wojciech
Rogala Elżbieta
Bielecki Maciej
Gawrońska Joanna
Jelonek Jakub
Malkowski Tomasz
Pilch Piotr
Rauziński Robert (1933- )
Ajdukiewicz Andrzej (1939- )
Cieślak Piotr
Draniewicz Bartosz
Godek Piotr
Osiński Zbigniew (1926-2001)
Suchodolski Bogdan (1903-1992)
Jasiński Filip
Klupiński Kamil
Kuliński Włodzisław
Forowicz Krystyna
Szkutnik Leon Leszek
Zdanikowski Paweł
Barowicz Marek
Wantuch-Matla Dorota
Trammer Hubert
Walczak Tomasz
Watrak Andrzej
Zgółkowa Halina (1947- )
Barańska Katarzyna
Czajkowska-Matosiuk Katarzyna
Jurlewicz Teresa
Pikoń Andrzej
Szargut Jan (1923- )
Chojnacki Ireneusz
Rok wydania
2010 - 2019
Okres powstania dzieła
Kraj wydania
Rozwój zrównoważony
Temat: miejsce
Dziedzina i ujęcie
Transport i logistyka
1 wynik Filtruj
W koszyku
Bibliografia, netografia, wykaz aktów prawnych na stronach 141-149.
1Introduction to sustainable development of transport systems 1.1The concept of transport system 1.2Modelling transport systems 1.3Issues in the development of transport systems 1.4The origin of the sustainable development of transport systems 1.5Modelling of sustainable transport system development (EMITRANSYS) 2Simulation methods in the modelling of transport systems 2.1The concept, types, and pros and cons of simulation 2.2Constructing simulation models 2.3Types of simulation tools 2.4PTV VISUM simulation environment 3A mathematical model of the sustainable development of TS 3.1General assumptions 3.2Formal notation of the model 3.3Mirroring the transport system structure 3.4Mirroring of means of transport 3.5Characteristics of selected model elements 3.6Mirroring the demand for carriage 3.7Mirroring the organisation of traffic flow 4Assessment of the sustainable development of the transport system 4.1Assessment of the pro-ecological naturę of the transport system 4.2Assessment of the efficiency of TS in terms of environmental friendliness 4.3Assessment criteria of sustainable development of TS 4.3.1General remarks 4.3.2Economic criteria 4.3.3Technological criteria 4.3.4Ecological criteria 4.3.5The criteria for assessing the impact of sustainable TS on the environment 5EMITRANSYS as a model of the sustainable development of TS 5.1Assumptions for modelling sustainable TS on the macro scalę 5.2Modelling of passenger transport needs 5.2.1Travel motivations 5.2.2Parameters of sources and outlets of the traffic flow 5.2.3Spatial distribution of the traffic flow 5.2.4Modal division of transport tasks 5.3Modelling of cargo transport needs 5.3.1Demand segments 5.3.2Estimation of the volume of transport needs 6Implementation of the model using simulation tools 6.1Data stmcture in the model 6.2Data on the transport network 6.2.1Road network 6.2.2Railway network 6.2.3Airline and inland waterway transport network 6.3Data on the supply of transport services 6.4Data on the demand for transport services 6.5Representation of the means of transport 6.6Data on the emissions of harmful exhaust compounds 7Planning the sustainable development of TS using simulation tools - case studies 7.1 Simulation of traffic distribution within a transport network, with considerations for external costs 7.1.1Introduction to the research 7.1.2Definition of the research problem 7.1.3The results of the simulation of traffic flow distribution over the transport network 7.2Multivariate analysis of traffic distribution in the aspect of sustainable development TS (Emitransys model) 7.2.1Introduction to the research 7.2.2Variant distribution of traffic in the transport network using simulation tools 7.2.3Simulation of pollution dispersion in the Emitransys model 7.3Modelling the development of urban agglomeration transport system for cargo traffic Introduction to research 7.3.1The research on cargo traffic in the urban agglomeration 7.3.2Modelling cargo traffic in the transport system of an urban agglomeration
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Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 149680 LE (1 egz.)
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