Strumińska-Kutra Marta
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Biblioteka Międzywydziałowa
Biblioteka WEiZ
Berłowski Paweł
Kotowski Włodzimierz
Praca zbiorowa
Skoczylas Zbigniew
Stiasny Grzegorz
Strumińska-Kutra Marta
Sadlik Ryszard
Blum Maciej
Michalski Dariusz
Majewski Jerzy S
Lewandowski Maciej
Etzold Hans-Rüdiger
Leśniewski Mariusz
Gewert Marian
Maruchin Wojciech
Guryn Halina
Traczyk Wojciech
Chalastra Michał
Kardyś Marta
Nazwisko Imię
Marx Karl (1818-1883)
Berkieta Mateusz
Tomczak Małgorzata
Polkowski Sławomir
Engels Friedrich (1820-1895)
Kotapski Roman
Jakubiec Izabela
Rybicki Piotr
Krysicki Włodzimierz (1905-2001)
Teleguj Kazimierz
Kapołka Maciej
Mikołajewska Emilia
Zaborowska Joanna
Starosolski Włodzimierz (1933- )
Meryk Radosław
Piątek Grzegorz
Rudnicki Bogdan
Górczyński Robert
Polit Ryszard
Mroczek Wojciech
Kulawik Marta
Mycielski Krzysztof
Myszkorowski Jakub
Konopka Eduard
Jabłoński Marek
Walkiewicz Łukasz
Bielecki Jan (1942-2001)
Knosala Ryszard (1949- )
Rajca Piotr (1970- )
Rymarz Małgorzata
Walczak Krzysztof
Wiecheć Marek
Jabłoński Adam
Laszczak Mirosław
Piwko Łukasz
Wodziczko Piotr
Dziedzic Zbigniew
Sidor-Rządkowska Małgorzata
Żakowski Wojciech (1929-1993)
Lenin Włodzimierz (1870-1924)
Pasko Marian
Włodarski Lech (1916-1997)
Czakon Wojciech
Leyko Jerzy (1918-1995)
Paszkowska Małgorzata
Jankowski Mariusz
Kostecka Alicja
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Karpińska Marta
Próchnicki Wojciech
Rogala Elżbieta
Bielecki Maciej
Gawrońska Joanna
Jelonek Jakub
Malkowski Tomasz
Pilch Piotr
Rauziński Robert (1933- )
Ajdukiewicz Andrzej (1939- )
Cieślak Piotr
Draniewicz Bartosz
Godek Piotr
Osiński Zbigniew (1926-2001)
Suchodolski Bogdan (1903-1992)
Jasiński Filip
Klupiński Kamil
Kuliński Włodzisław
Forowicz Krystyna
Szkutnik Leon Leszek
Zdanikowski Paweł
Barowicz Marek
Wantuch-Matla Dorota
Trammer Hubert
Walczak Tomasz
Watrak Andrzej
Zgółkowa Halina (1947- )
Barańska Katarzyna
Czajkowska-Matosiuk Katarzyna
Jurlewicz Teresa
Pikoń Andrzej
Szargut Jan (1923- )
Chojnacki Ireneusz
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
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Temat: miejsce
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Studium przypadku (case study)
Dziedzina i ujęcie
Gospodarka, ekonomia, finanse
Ochrona środowiska
Zarządzanie i marketing
3 wyniki Filtruj
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Bibliografie, netografie przy pracach.
Część I. Podstawy teoretyczne i filozoficzne Andrzej K. Koźmiński: Koncepcja seminarium Krytycznej Teorii Organizacji w retrospektywie i w perspektywie Witold Kieżun: Dorobek naukowy Seminarium KTO ujęty w czterech wcześniejszych publikacjach książkowych Wojciech W. Gasparski: Krytyczna teoria organizacji w literaturze przedmiotu: wybrane zagadnienia Witold Kieżun: Tadeusz Kotarbiński – twórca idei dobrej roboty Wojciech W. Gasparski: Od studiów nad praktyką do filozofii praktyczności: Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego wkład do dorobku szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej Janina Filek: Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu jako nowa wersja umowy społecznej Monika Golonka: Alicja i organizacje z krainy Szalonego Kapelusznika Część II. Raporty z badań i lektur Andrzej K. Koźmiński: Tajemnice przywództwa Andrzej K. Koźmiński, Dominika Latusek-Jurczak: Zaufanie i nieufność w podejmowaniu decyzji Krzysztof Zagórski, Andrzej K. Koźmiński: Wyobraźnia ekonomiczna Polaków w czasach niepewności Adam Noga: Dobra współproduktywne i szczególna teoria zatrudnienia dla krytycznej teorii organizacji Andrzej Blikle: Turkusowe organizacje wg Frederica Laloux Małgorzata Ćwil, Bolesław Rok, Marta Strumińska-Kutra: Rola innowacji społecznych w miejscu pracy – wnioski z badań Część III. Praktyka zarządzania w organizacjach Czesław Szmidt: Patologie i dysfunkcje w obszarze zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi Jerzy Cieślik: Jaka polityka przedsiębiorczości? Róża Milic-Czerniak, Monika Jachimkowska: Etyka – audyt etyczny w bankach Paweł Krzyworzeka: Nagradzanie zewnątrzorganizacyjne. Między darem a towarem (z nowym komentarzem autora) Część IV. Zarządzanie publiczne i jego kontekst Konrad Raczkowski: Współczesne zarządzanie publiczne Julian Auleytner: Zarządzanie strukturą społeczną Elżbieta Mączyńska: Łamane umowy jako syndrom anomii i dysfunkcji ustroju społeczno-gospodarczego Wiesław L. Nowiński: Teraz Polska Innowacyjna, Polska++ Jak ją zbudować Józef Oleński: Środowisko informacyjne w demokratycznym państwie prawnym
Sygnatura czytelni BMW: VI Ę 403 (nowy)
Sygnatura czytelni BWZ: VII C 90
Ta pozycja znajduje się w zbiorach 2 placówek. Rozwiń listę, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Biblioteka Międzywydziałowa
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 149499 N (1 egz.)
Biblioteka WEiZ
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 149500 (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Nazw. aut. na s. [243]-244.
Publikacja jest efektem projektu: "Rola innowacji społecznych w budowaniu jakości życia w miejscu pracy".
Bibliogr. przy rozdz.
Sygnatura czytelni BMW: VI Ę 312 (nowy)
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Biblioteka Międzywydziałowa
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 143857 N (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
Bibliografia na stronach 376-393. Indeks.
Chapter 1. The economy, society and the environment 1.1.The dependence of the economy and society on the environment Tool 1.T1. Non-market valuation methods 1.3.External effects Tool 1.T2. Internalisation of external costs 1.4.Ignorance 1.5.Institutions and social capital Tool 1.T3. Social participation Case study 1.C1. What is the Białowieża Forest worth? Case study 1.C2. Cod fishing in the Baltic Case study 1.C3. A chipboard factory, a local community and the environmen Chapter 2. Systems thinking 2.1.Systems practice 2.2.Causal loop diagrams 2.3.Simulation and role-playing games Case study 2.C1. Sustainable development in the Barycz Valley Case study 2.C2. Envisioning management alternatives for the Tisza river valley Chapter 3. Basic theory of sustainable development 3.1.Attempts at operationalisation 3.2.Formalised approaches to intergenerational equity 3.3.Indicators of sustainable development 3.4.The concept of welfare in economics 3.5.Greening the conventional GDP 3.6.Sustainability and the scale of actions Part II. Business Chapter 4. Sustainability management system 4.1.The preparation phase 4.2.Vision 4.3.The sustainability programme 4.4.Implementation 4.5.Evaluation 4.6.The process of innovation 4.7.Stakeholder dialogue 4.8.The sustainability report 4.10. Summary and conclusions Case study 4.C1. The use of GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines at the BRE Bank Case study 4.C2. Setting up the 'Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility strategy of the PGNiG Group' Chapter 5. Sustainable production 5.1.Introduction: 'let's make the most of every piece of raw material' 5.2.Eco-efficiency Tool 5.T1. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Tool 5.T2. Eco-design 5.3.Industrial ecology Case study 5.C1. LCA as a tool supporting eco-design Chapter 6. Construction and architecture 6.1.Energy Tool 6.T1. Thermo-modernisation and improvement of heating efficiency 6.3.Raw materials and water 6.4.Indoor air and environmental quality 6.5.Building construction methods 6.6.Architectural design Tool 6.T2. Building certification Case study 6.C1. Sustainable renovation of the Turzyn Neighbourhood in Szczecin Case study 6.C2. The straw bale house in Przelomka Chapter 7. Supply chain management 7.1.From environmental management systems to sustainable supply chain management Tool 7.T1. The supplier audit 7.3.The buyer who dictates delivery conditions Tool 7.T2. Green public procurement Tool 7.T3. Eco labelling Case study 7.C1. IKEA: 'low prices, but not at any price' Chapter 8. Replacing products with services 8.1.An economy based on functionality 8.2.Product-service systems (PSS) Case study 8.C1. Public libraries in Poland Part III. Local authorities Chapter 9. Sustainable development strategies and indicators 9.1.Introduction: sustainable development as a strategic objective 9.2.Strategic documents 9.3.Integration of the measurement of sustainable development and quality of life Tool 9.T1. Local Agenda 21 audit Case study 9.C1. Local Agenda 21 in Poland Case study 9.C2. The standard of the UNDP Umbrella Project Chapter 10. Urbanism 10.1.Introduction: urbanisation challenges 10.2.Evolving concepts of the city 10.3.Conditions for spatial planning in Poland Tool 10.T1. Development planning and programming 10.4.The principles of sustainable spatial development Tool 10.T2. Spatial management Tool 10.T3. Social participation in spatial planning Tool 10.T4. Certification 10.5.Summary and conclusions Case study 10.C1. 'Old' Nowa Huta Case study 10.C2. Siewierz eco-town Chapter 11. Urban transport 11.1.Sustainable mobility — the birth of an idea Tool 11.T1. A public bicycle Tool 11.T2. Restricting car traffic 11.3.Transport as an integrated system Tool 11.T3. Integrated transfer junctions 11.4.Sustainable mobility as a process Case study 11.C1. The transport system of Krakow Case study 11.CS. The Śląsko-Dąbrowski Bridge in Warsaw Chapter 12. Municipal management 12.1.Municipal waste management 12.2.Water and wastewater management Tool 12.T1. Separating toilets Tool 12.T2. Constructed wetlands 12.4.Energy management 12.5.Social participation 12.6.Summary and conclusions Case study 12.C1. Wastewater treatment plant for Dziewin Chapter 13. Public-private partnership 13.1.PPP as a way to better public service performance 13.2.Preparation of a good partnership Case study 13.C1. Termy Warmińskie: an example of a partnership creation Part IV. Consumers and citizens Chapter 14. Sustainable consumption 14.1.The tyranny of small decisions 14.2.Responsibility Tool 14.T1. Evaluation of corporate messages 14.4.Reason Tool 14.T2. Eco-teams Case study 14.C1. Consumer education by NGOs in Poland Case study 14.C2. The fair trade sector in Poland Chapter 15. Citizen activity networks 15.1.Just believe: the world is changeable! 15.2.The importance of social capital and mutual trust 15.3.The character of the citizen sector in Poland Tool 15.T1. The internet and social actions 15.5.Social entrepreneurship, postmaterial values and creativity Case study 15.C1. A Group of Certain People (GPO) Case study 15.CS. Thematic villages List of figures 1.1.The economy and the environment 1.2.External costs of passenger transport and freight transport 1.3.Limiting resource extraction as a waste and pollution prevention strategy 1.4.Sustainable development pyramid 1.5.Cod catches in the Baltic, 1921—2008 2.1.Causal loop diagram illustrating vicious circle of global warming 2.2.Basic systems concepts 2.3.System structure as a determinant of its behaviour 2.4.Decisions, strategies and policies in complex systems 2.5.Participatory model building 2.6.Steps in the systems practice learning cycle 2.7.The principles for creating causal loop diagrams 2.8.Baltic cod, an example of a causal loop diagram 2.9.Simulation and role-playing games 2.10.Sustainability operationalised through systems thinking 2.11.Variables and causal links in the Barycz regional sustainability model 2.12.An artist's interpretation of the different landscape mosaic patterns in the Tisza river floodplain 2.13.Processes represented by causal loops supporting either the conventional or the alternative paradigms to river management in the Tisza river basin Challenges and opportunities for companies undertaking activities in the area of sustainable development 4.1.Continuous improvement with the PDCA cycle 4.2.Sustainability management system (SMS) structure 4.3.Johnson & Johnson Credo 4.4.Classification of stakeholders according to their proximity to the company 4.5.Exemplary classification system 4.6.Stakeholder dialogue at Vattenfall 4.7.CSR and business value curve 4.8.GRI indicators included in the BRE Bank's reports for 2007 and 2008 4.9.PGNiG Group's sustainable development goals 4.10.PGNiG Group's sustainable development management structure 5.1.Product life cycle from the perspective of environmental management 5.2.Rebound effect 5.3.General framework for the analysis of material flows 5.4.Fridge freezer under study 5.5.Life cycle impact assessment results for the fridge freezer analysed 6.1.Passive systems of heating, ventilation and heat recuperation 6.2.Commerzbank Tower, Frankfurt 6.3.Bioclimatic skyscraper New National Library Building, Singapore 6.4.Conceptual project of the Sanctuary of God's Providence in Warsaw 6.5.Map of Szczecin city centre 6.6.Three levels of renovation in the Turzyn Neighbourhood 6.7.The Turzyn Neighbourhood, a bird's eye view 6.8.Straw bale house in Przelomka 7.1.Tools used to promote sustainable development in a supply chain 7.2.Examples of eco-labels 7.3.The 'staircase model' applied by IKEA while purchasing wood 8.1.Types of innovation and the related eco-efficiency level 8.2.'More than one life' of products in Xerox 8.3.Library users by employment status 2008 8.4.Opinions about libraries expressed by residents of small towns in Poland (2008) 9.1.The structure of objectives in sustainable development planning 9.2.Most important documents for local development 9.3.The levels of indicator-based analysis of sustainable development in a community 9.4.LA-21 audit procedure 9.5.Strategies in local planning for sustainable development 10.1.Areas of the highest density located around transportation nodes marked by clear boundaries of urbanisation 10.2.From neighbourhood to city: the basic social-life ingredients 10.3.Three types of development, the same density 10.4.Gravel on footpaths improves water management and microclimate 10.5.One of the main streets in Poundbury 10.6.The local landscape in Poundbury 10.7.BedZED, Beddington, Surrey, United Kingdom 10.8.BedZED architecture 10.9.Siewierz eco-town: visualisation of the project 10.10.The central square of Siewierz 10.11.A street of the newly-designed town 11.1.Downward spiral of mass transportation 11.2.Means of urban transport — external costs versus the intended priority in traffic 11.3.Bicycle parking area by the buildings of the University of Joensuu (Finland) in the wintertime 11.4.Modal split of journeys made in selected cities 11.5.Components of a hypothetical travel by public transport and exemplary possibilities for reducing travel times 11.6.Mainz (Germany) — a transfer from a feeder bus into the tramway which takes place within a single roofed platform 11.7.Zurich, Bellevue — one of the few integrated transfer junctions in the city centre area 11.8.A roofed transfer point in an elegant pedestrian precinct in the Strasburg city centre 11.9.Helsinki where the platform for the tram stop can be reached easily by flat crossing points leading to both ends of the platform 11.10.Transport services in the housing district of Retkinia (Lodz, Poland) 11.11.Model of traffic organisation in the centre of Krakow 12.1.Selective collection and composting within the stream of municipal waste in the United Kingdom 12.2.Municipal water consumption per capita in chosen European countries 12.3.Water Park in Enkôping (Sweden) fed with stormwater from the housing area 12.4.The example of a separating toilet 12.5.The scheme of the separating system 12.6.Percentage of nutrients in different fractions of domestic sewage and their volume 12.7.Constructed wetland bed with subsurface, horizontal flow 12.8.The hybrid wastewater treatment plant EkoPAN in Łąka near Pszczyna 12.9.Constructed wetlands at the Research Station of Wrocław University in Karpacz 12.10.Constructed wetlands in Oxelôsund 12.11.Enkôping, willow plantation for energy production 12.12.Public debate in Dziewin 12.13.A map representing the conclusions to the second workshop 13.1.Forms of PPP and their relation to ownership and public infrastructure management 13.2.PPP step by step 13.3.Public-private cooperation forms in Polish legislation 14.1.Purchasing motives of Polish consumers regarding food products and household appliances 14.2.The increase of the number of ways 'green' consumers can act more responsibly presented at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s 14.3.Sales of fair trade products in Poland 15.1. Areas of activity of NGOs in Poland (2008) Photograph credits Par Aronsson, SLU (12.3); Bo Bjórkdahl (12.11); Marek Budzyński (6.4); Tomasz Bużałek (11.3, 11.6, 11.8, 11.9); Tom Chance (10.7); Jakub Damurski (12.12); Andrzej Dunajski (12.9); Gizmo23 (6.2); Sabina Jaromin (12.10); Tomasz Jeleński (6.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6); Tymoteusz Lekler (photographs opening the parts of the book); Bobby Bogdan Mrozowski, Dubbletten (12.4); Maciej Mycielski (10.9, 10.10, 10.11); Andrea Rota (10.8); Paulina Wojciechowska, (6.8). List of tables 1.1.Ecosystem services 1.2.Institutional classification of failures and their environmental implications 2.1.Systems practice methodology 2.2.Guidelines for reading causal loop diagrams 2.3.Key variables and the indicators that describe them Reasons for which activities aiming at sustainable development can also fail 4.1.Example of a sustainability programme structure 4.2.Areas subject to evaluation within Danone Way Fundamentals 5.1.Concepts of more efficient use of the environment in production 5.2.Dematerialisation strategies that can be introduced at different stages of the product life cycle 5.3.'Design for X' and design for environment 5.4.LCI data regarding elements used in manufacture 5.5.LCI data regarding the exploitation stage 5.6.LCI data regarding the final disposal stage 5.7.The structure of the environmental impacts 5.8.The results of the LCA and LCC analyses 5.9.Eco-design tasks as potential directions for the improvement for the fridge freezer analysed 5.10.The LCA and LCC results for the selected eco-design variants 6.1.Differences between the assumptions and the reality of waste treatment in the Turzyn Neighbourhood renovation project 6.2.Comparison of profiles of 'ecological' straw bale houses against a regular single-family house 7.1. IWAY's basic requirements 9.1.The structure of Urban Audit programme 9.2.The structure of sustainable development SAS indicators' model 9.3.Structure of sustainable development audit report 12.1.Comparison of water consumption by the different types of toilets 12.2.The share of renewable and primary energy sources' utilisation 12.3.Financial analysis of the construction and exploitation costs for constructed wetlands and connection to a collective wastewater treatment plant in Scinawa 12.4.The pros and cons of the possible solutions to the sewage problem in Dziewin 13.1. Examples of risk sharing in PPP projects in Europe 13.2. Types of public-private cooperation and private partner selection procedures according to Polish legislation 14.1.Electricity use caused by appliances in stand-by mode and the related costs for the average Polish household and for the country as a whole 14.2.Basic criteria to determine the validity of green marketing
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